Pino Soccio reads out a winner from the Pride of Whittlesey Awards 2020
Our poster for our first major day of events
"Alexa, Enable Fenland Youth Radio"
1st September 2020 our official launch
In the Hot Seat special guest Peter Hau
In The Hot Seats Robert Windle with MP Stephen Barclay
Presentation made by Chief Secretary to the Treasury, MP Stephen Barclay
Chief Secretary to the Treasury, MP Stephen Barclay in the Hot Seat with Robert Windle
Pumping out the tunes on launch day
Even Father Christmas stopped by to visit us in December 2020
Father Christmas enjoyed his mince pie, lovingly made by Linda Harrison of Whittlesey.
Alison and David entertaining the listerners.
Having fun on the festive Saturday! Saturday show in December 2020.
Robert giving out the medals to all the winners and runners up of the annual sports quiz!
Saturday! Saturday show sponsors Vesuvio Italian Restaurant with DJ McCoy.
David Carr with his better half Caitlin enjoying a visit from Santa.
In the studio with the lads!
Robert with his first Hot Seat guest Laurence Seaton on the official launch day.
Some of our crew, friends and family attending the offical launch day in September 2020.
The first Station Manager David Carr with CEO Pino Soccio at the official launch day.
Sebastian (8), Lily (8), Evlyn (5) with The Voice Kids 2020 finalist George.
The Young Techs here helping with the launch day! Pictured CEO Pino, Aaron, Thomas, David.
Cllr. Alex Miscandlon, Chairman of FDC in attandance for the official launch day.
George popped in after finishing in the top three on The Voice Kids 2020.
Sue & Joe Jennings Winners of the Volunteer of the Year for the Pride of Whittlesey Awards 2020
Phoebe Ockendon wins the Primary School Pride of Whittlsey Award 2020
Colin Wilson of the Falcon Hotel wins the Pride of Whittlesey Business Award for 2020
Debroah Slator is the Community Wellbeing Champion for the Pride of Whittlesey Awards 2020
Helping Whittlesey won the Community Group Project as part of the Pride of Whittlesey Awards here is representaive Karen Trickey with the Award
Janette Bowden is seen here with her Outstanding Sporting Award as part of the Pride of Whittlesey Awards 2020
Danny Bowyer shows of his award after winning the Helping Hand section of the Pride of Whittlesey Awards 2020
Mick Cooke wins the Lifetime Achievemnet Award as part of the Pride of Whittlesey Awards 2020
Alan Hobbs , Fred Mills and Peter Davies representing Streetpride win the Pride of Whittlesey Environmental Award 2020
Lily here on our launch day in September 2020
One of our posters that we put up for Halloween